We have compiled a cheat sheet for you to jog your memory with certain tags and concepts so that you don’t spend hours researching a tag you forgot. Use this to quickly reference the syntax of tags and how to use them when you encounter an error on your code.

Project 1 Training 1

Description Code Explanation
 DOCTYPE <!DOCTYPE html>  Tells web browser this is a HTML document.
 Head <head>…</head>  Contains explanation and links for the page.
 Body <body>…</body>  Contains the structure and contents of an HTML document.
 Header <h1>…</h1>  Emphasized text on a page (e.g. Headings and Titles).
 Division <div>…</div>  Defines a division or a section in an HTML document.
 Header 3 <h3>…</h3>  Usually used for sub-titles.
 Paragraph <p>…</p>  Specifies a paragraph or text.

Project 1 Training 2

Description Code Eplanation
 Style  <style>…</style>  This tag encloses CSS styling.
 Selectors  h1{font-size: 75px;}  Used to target an element for styling purposes.
 Font size  font-size: 75px;  Font size – sets the size of the text.
 Italics  <i>…</i>  Creates an italic font.
 Break  <br>  Creates a new line.

Project 1 Training 3

Description Code Explanation
 Menu  <menu>…</menu>  Used for creating context menus, toolbars and listing form controls and commands.
 Header  <h1>…</h1>  Emphasized text on a page (e.g. Headings and Titles).
 Linear-gradient  background: linear-gradient(110deg, yellow 40%, pink 40%);  Creates a background of two colors separated by a linear line skewed  by a specified degree.
 Section  <section>…</section>  It is used for creating context menus, toolbars and listing form  controls and commands.
 Footer  <footer>…</footer>  Used to define footer in a web page.

Project 1 Training 4

Description Code Explanation
 Text alignment  text-align: left;  The text-align property specifies the horizontal alignment of text in an element.
 Padding  padding: 40px;  The CSS padding properties are used to generate space around an element’s content, inside of any defined borders.
 Border  border: 2px solid white;  The border-width property specifies the width of the four borders.
 Margin  margin: auto;  With one value, the margin property can be used to specify a uniform margin around a box
 Width  max-width: 400px;  The width property sets the width of an element.
